So I’m…a mom

“Mamas worry about everything all year. Mamas worry more at Christmas time.”

(Disclaimer…I know there are lots of daddies that show up as well, but only having experience of a mama, I speak from that. If you are a daddy and this applies to you, share it with your daddy friends.)

My son surprised me. He likes to do this. He said he wasn’t coming home for Christmas and I have been cursing the Army for a month for keeping both my boys from me. Thursday morning the doorbell rang and there he was, with his wife and kids, and I was totally confused. I was thrilled, but so confused. He showed up and all my sadness was gone. Those sweet baby kisses came, and I forgot all the days I had cried over them not coming home.

This post is for all you mamas who are especially busy this time of year. All of you who feel mommy guilt for not getting it all done. The ones worrying about not getting every teacher a gift, and decorating cookies with the kids like Pinterest. For all of you who are lucky to get all the gifts wrapped, let alone put bows and tags on them. For all of you that worry your kid will be scarred for life because you didn’t watch Christmas movies in matching jammies and write letters to Santa.

You worry about getting the presents they want, making the money work, getting to the programs at school and church. You go to the store with toddlers and babies to buy gifts, because finding a babysitter costs too much. You have to remember a million things, and then your second grader says they need a reindeer headband the next morning at school.

Mamas worry about everything all year. Mamas worry more at Christmas time. So many celebrations, so many places to take the kids and get them off their schedules. So many opportunities to feed into our mama insecurities.  I know. I was you. I remember.

You’ve never heard what I’m going to say. I’m going to tell you what Christmas is about. It’s about God showing up. It’s about God saying “I’m coming to you.” and then showing up. That tiny baby in the manger was God, choosing to be human, choosing to depend on humans for his life, choosing to experience all we humans experience, because of his love for us. He’s a great father.

Mamas, hear what I’m saying to you. Kids know who shows up. They know who is there every single day, listening, reading their favorite book for the 36th time, feeding them, taking them places, kissing boo-boos and healing broken hearts. Laughing and celebrating and having impromptu dance parties. They may be disappointed Christmas day if they don’t get the toy on the top of the list, but you show up every day, and that makes all the difference.  You show up. You’re a great mama. You show up, out of your love for your children, just like God.

Be kind to yourself this season. Give yourself credit for showing up the other 364 days, and don’t put so much pressure on yourself to make this one day perfect. Because it won’t be. Do what you can, and enjoy the time with your family. My 85 year old mom tells me often “The days go slow, but the years go fast. Enjoy your moments.” Merry Christmas mama❤

Be kind, be grateful, be courageous,



So I’m new at this…

“Authenticity is scary isn’t it?”

And so it begins. A blog from a small town girl that lives in the city, an introverted and extroverted woman who loves parties and needs time to herself, a woman who is full of confidence one moment and full of insecurities the next. Someone that wants more than anything to have the heart of Jesus and yet is enticed by my simple, human, selfish desires. I’m happy at home with my dog and mud boots, but equally love a beautiful dress and heels. I’m a contradiction. I’m okay with that.

1580461128-half-empty-half-full-signTwice in my life something I’ve heard or read has changed me. First, years ago, I read this quote, “Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” That changed the way I interacted with every person I met from that moment on. Secondly, I was having a conversation with my friend Rose in Uganda about the glass appearing half full or half empty. My dear Rose, who has experienced trauma you cannot imagine, said to me, “I’m thankful to have a cup and something to drink.” That changed me from that moment on. Gratitude became my focus and I’ve found it’s the answer to most of my troubles.

Many of my clients say that they wish they could call me in the middle of the week and just get an encouraging word, an inspiring thought, a caring ear. This blog is my way of doing just that. Words from my heart to yours. Words that I hope will make you think, make you laugh, make you consider changes. Words that might give you hope and courage and even healing.

I’ll do my best to be authentic. Authenticity is scary isn’t it? It makes us vulnerable to others. I’m learning to be comfortable in vulnerability. I’m learning to be okay with others not agreeing with me, or not being pleased with me. I’m learning it’s okay to be scared because that means I’m trying to do something really brave. I’m learning all the time. Did you ever notice that the more you learn, the more you realize what you don’t know? There is so much I don’t know. But, I do know some really helpful, wonderful things that I want to share.

Maybe someday, someone will say “I once read something that changed me.” and it will be something I shared. That’s pretty cool. Maybe I’ll never know. I don’t need to know. I’m just going to share from my heart and pray it is something that someone needed to hear. God can’t use you if you do nothing.

Be kind, be grateful, be courageous.
